Wednesday, April 16, 2014

posing studies

figure drawing

Figure drawing with different techniques, the first 4 are long poses, and the rest are short poses.

The coffee machine

Modeling, texturing and lighting of an Elektra coffee machine.
(Maya , Mental ray)





under the sea in ink

Soir Bleu (2)

First texturing and lighting attempt to recreate the scene of Edward Hopper's soir bleu.

2 other frames of the same scene with different lighting.

Soir Bleu

Modeling of human body to make a 3D scene inspired by the painting of Edward Hopper 'Soir Bleu'
(Maya and Z-brush)

some doodles

childhood :)

freeky faces


Sketching in my hometown, Alexandria, Egypte.

analytical drawing

Diverse analytical drawings.

Movement studies

Mouvement studies from videos. 

Objects sketching

sunday market

Sketching in a french sunday marlet in Paris.